Limited Liability Vehicle Protection Plan


Mechanical Repair Coverage

Cost-effective coverage for the important, and expensive to replace, parts of your vehicle.

For just pennies a day, a Mechanical Repair Coverage (MRC) Plan through TruStage, can help protect your investment from costly mechanical breakdowns. A complete line of coverage includes the engine, transmission and drive axles, as well as the air conditioner, electrical components and fuel system.

Coverage Benefits:

  • No out of pocket expense (except for any deductible): MRC pays the repair facility directly, so you don't have to mess with billing.
  • Substitute Transportation up to $50 per day (10-day maximum);
  • 24-hour emergency roadside assistance: up to $125 per occurrence; includes towing, battery jumpstart, fluid delivery, flat tire assistance, and lock-out service;
  • Travel expense reimbursement: up to $200 per day (5-day max) for lodging, food and transportation expenses when a covered breakdown occurs 100 miles
    or more from home and your vehicle is held overnight at a repair facility;
  • Key replacement: up to $800 per occurrence for the repair or, if nonrepairable, the replacement of lost, stolen or damaged keys (including fob and/or remote);
  • Paintless dent repair: provides for the repair of dings no larger than 4 inches
  • Rideshare: pays for covered breakdowns when your vehicle is used for ride-sharing purposes such as Uber or Lyft
  • Mobility equipment: provides coverage for mobility equipment components when installed by the manufacturer or a licensed installer
  • Good at any authorized repair facility: in the United States of America and Canada;
  • Transferable: if you sell your vehicle privately, the coverage can be transferred (for an administrative fee), may add resale value and appeal;
  • Cancelable: receive a full refund for an unused agreement within the first 60 days, or a prorated refund thereafter less an administrative fee*

Get a free quote on Auto Secure Vehicle Protection!
Please email, call the credit union at: (801) 973-0575, or visit our office.

*All services are subject to maximum reimbursement limits. Coverage may not be available in all states, please see service agreement for all details. Restrictions and limitations may apply. Please see contract for complete details.